학부과정 비용

Tuition & Mandatory Fees 약 $17,600/24학점
Housing & Dining $9,565
Books, Insurance and Miscellaneous $2,535 (Estimated)
Total $29,700/ Academic Year(9 months)

석사과정 비용

Tuition & Mandatory Fees 약 $15,600/18학점
Housing & Dining $9,565
Books, Insurance and Miscellaneous $2,535 (Estimated)
Total $27,700/ Academic Year(9 months)

Master of Science in Buiness Analytics (MSBA)

Tuition & Mandatory Fees 약 $19,475/18학점
Housing & Dining $9,565
Books, Insurance and Miscellaneous $2,535 (Estimated)
Total $31,575/ Academic Year(9 months)

Master of Buisness Administration (MBA)

Tuition & Mandatory Fees 약 $11,460/18학점
Housing & Dining $9,565
Books, Insurance and Miscellaneous $2,535 (Estimated)
Total $23,560/ Academic Year(9 months)
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  • 학비는 정규학기인 봄과 가을학기 기준으로 산출되었습니다.
  • 자세한 비용 정보는 UCO Financial Disclosure / Enrollment Costs 를 참고하세요.